The Man Inside
註釋Description -- Biography -- Title -- Copyright -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Foreword, by Adam Tooze -- 1 European Economic Policymaking under Duress: My Own Account -- 1 Florence, Oxford, Brussels -- 2 The Pioneers, the Architects and the Builders -- 3 The circumstances: the global financial crisis, the rise of populism and the pandemic -- 4 The role of the European Commission in policy design and coordination -- 5 Some lessons for the future -- Europe 2008-2021: A Chronology -- Part A. EMU: Past, Present and Future -- 2 The First Ten Years of the Euro -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Uncertain beginnings -- 3 A decade of success -- 4 The challenges ahead -- 3 The Commission's Proposals for Stronger EU Economic Governance -- 1 What are the main goals? -- 2 What is new and why do we need it? -- 3 Would the new tools have made a difference? -- 4 Will it work this time? -- 4 Stronger EU Economic Governance: A Response to the Critics -- 1 Common analysis but diverging conclusions -- 2 The big picture -- 3 Enforcement, yes please. Sanctions, no thanks -- 4 What is not "empty and useless" -- 5 Macroeconomic policy analysis in flux -- 5 Smoothing Economic Shocks in the Eurozone: The Untapped Potential of the Financial Union -- 1 The importance of resilience to shocks in the Eurozone -- 2 Cross-border risk-sharing channels -- 3 What is the size of the various risk-sharing channels in the Eurozone and the US? -- 4 Conclusion -- 6 Completing EMU -- 1 EMU has been reformed but is still in an unsustainable equilibrium -- 2 Completing Financial Union to increase risk-sharing and reduce legacy risks -- 3 Achieving a more integrated Economic and Fiscal Union -- 4 Strengthening Eurozone institutions and accountability -- 5 Conclusions -- 7 Deepening EMU Requires a Coherent and Well-Sequenced Package -- 1 Building on the progress made.