註釋 This report deals with policy for health R & D investments of particular relevance to the developing countries. It results from deliberations of the Ad Hoc Committee on health research relating to future intervention options, conveaned under the auspices of the World Health Organization. The Ad Hoc Committee's mandate was broad: in addition to research, it was to address development of the products and procedures that translate research findings into practical tools (an, therefore, it was to pay careful attention to the role of the private sector), and it was to address issues of behavioural science and health systems research as well as biomedical and clinical R & D. The report discusses the Ad Hoc Committee's findings around four problem areas of global significance - the unfinished agenda for control of childhood infections, undernutrition and excess fertility; the continually changing nature of several major microbial threats; the emergence of major (but neglected) epidemics of noncommunicable disease and injury; and inefficiency and inequity in health systems. The report examines how R & D can contribute to solutions.