Napovedni dejavniki dolgotrajne hospitalizacije psihiatričnih bolnikov
註釋In every psychiatric hospital some of the patients stay longer than the others. The reasons for this can be related to disease severity or to various social, economic or legal reasons. Study of predicting factors for long hospitalization is important for tertiary prevention and planning of public health capacities. The aim of the research is to determine the number and characteristics of long stay in-patients (LSP) and to find out the differencesbetween LSP with schizophrenia and short stay patients with the same disease. The diagnoses were made by their managing psychiatrists, who were not included in the study, using the ninth revision of The International Classification of Diseases. The inclusion criteria for the first part was the duration of hospitalization over 1 year on the index day (ID, January 1, 1994)in the Centre for Clinical Psychiatry (CCP) of the Department of Psychiatry of Medical Centre in Ljubljana. In the second part of the research,a case - control study has been performed, comparing LSP with schizophrenia with a sex and age matched control group with schizophrenia. Thecontrol group has been selected between patients, discharged from CCP in the years 1992 and 1993, who were hospitalized less than 1 year. All data havebeen taken from patients' medical records. A modified Present State Examination has been used for assessment of symptoms. In the statistic analysis SOLO 4.0 statistical package has been used. Chi-square tests for attributive variables and analyses of variance for numeric variables have been performed. From the variables, in which the two groups of patients with schizophrenia differ, the predicting factors of long hospitalization have beenselected using a multivariate logistic regression. On the ID, there were 111 LSP (26,3 percent of all patients) in CCP, 53 percent of them were women. Two thirds of LSP had a diagnosis of schizophrenia, 57 percent of them were men.(Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.).