We are very pleased to put forth the 'Herbal Drug Technology'. This manual is prepared as per PCI B. Pharm course regulations 2014 and is divided into six sections i. e. Preliminary phytochemical screening, Determination of alcohol contents in Ayurvedic formulations, Evaluation of natural origin excipients, Preparation and evaluation of herbal formulations, Monograph analysis of herbal drugs from recent Pharmacopoeias and Determination of chemical constituent contents. The various techniques are used for phytochemical screening of aqueous extract of crude drugs and determination of chemical constituents contents in crude drugs. The manual includes experiments through which students learn to prepare and evaluate various herbal formulations and analyze the individual monographs from recent pharmacopoeias.
This manual is designed for 'outcome-based education' and each experiment is arranged in a uniform way such as practical significance, practical outcomes (PrOs) and its mapping with course outcomes, theory, resources used, procedure, precautions, observations, result, conclusion, references, and synopsis questions. Each experiment offers an opportunity to perform practical work, allowing students to gain proficiency in effectively managing equipment, handling glassware, chemicals and staining agents/ reagents, and writing conclusion. In addition, questions are provided at the end of the experiments to enhance students' knowledge, which will be beneficial for them as they pursue higher studies. During the laboratory period you will have to multitask, while you are doing experiment. It is essential to document properly what you do and what you observe while doing the practical. Always plan your work ahead and think about what you are doing, why you are doing it, what is happening and what you can conclude from your experiment. We acknowledge the help and co-operation extended by various persons in bringing out this manual. We are highly indebted to the authors of various books and articles mentioned in the reference which became a major source of information for writing this manual. We also thank the publishers, designers and printers who graciously worked hard to publish this manual in time. We hope that this manual will assist students in understanding concepts, principles, and performing procedures.
We wish you all the best!"