Urban Agriculture
A Framework for Agricultural Policy - Present and Future
出版SSRN, 2018
註釋As a result of rapid urbanisation and the formulation of the “Smart Cities” concept, and of trends in sustainability and renewability, growing cities have begun to introduce basic measures for the return food production closer to them. There has always been a very particular connection between food growing and technology. Traditional thinking maintains that technology and urban life stand in opposition to the peaceful and quiet life on the farm. Food is produced and distributed globally nowadays. This makes the chain of distribution significantly more complex, and great stress is laid on food safety. Contemporary consumers are more and more interested in the origin and production technology of the food they eat. The provision of organic food, locally produced food, food “picked that day” are only some of the trends that have been on the increase. Vertical food growing requiring the intensive use of energy is still in its infancy. There are, however, many initiatives which are leading to rapid advances. Vertical farming in open or enclosed spaces has, therefore, the potential to respond to the demographic challenges faced by Smart Cities. Rapid urbanization will make urban agriculture more significant. Periurban, or suburban agriculture, is a part of urban culture. It can greatly contribute to the food supply of the entire city. This raises the question of the designation of the peri-urban zone and of its capacity to feed big cities. This paper is an attempt at describing the elements of a new agrarian politics that could help tackle the problems of resource allocation and, at the same time, provide citizens with a better quality of life.