The DI Tremayne Thriller Series: Books 1 To 3

Three Powerful Stories. Three Edge of Your Seat Thrillers. Three Books at a Discounted Price.

Death Unholy (Book 1) - All that remained were the man's two legs and a chair full of greasy and fetid ash. Little did DI Keith Tremayne know that it was the beginning of a trip into the murky world of paganism and its ancient rituals. And it was going to get very dangerous strong>

'Do you believe in spontaneous human combustion?' Detective Inspector Tremayne asked.

'I haven't,' Tremayne replied which did not surprise his young sergeant. In the months they had been together, she had come to realise that he was a man who had little interest in the world. A cigarette in his mouth, a beer in his hand and a murder to solve was about the happiest she ever saw him, and even then, he could hardly be regarded as one of life's most sociable. And as for reading? The occasional police report, an early morning newspaper, the back pages for the racing results.

Death and the Assassin's Blade (Book 2) - It was meant to be high drama, not murder, but someone's switched the daggers. The man's death, in plain view of two serving police officers.

The man was not meant to die; the daggers were only theatrical props, plastic and harmless. A summer's night, a production of Julius Caesar among the ruins of an Anglo-Saxon fort. Detective Inspector Tremayne is there with his sergeant, Clare Yarwood. The assassination scene, the man collapses to the ground, Brutus defending his actions, Mark Antony's rebuke.

They're a disparate group, the amateur actors. One's an estate agent, another, an accountant. And then there is the teenage man, the gay, the funeral director, the commodities trader. And what about the women? They could be involved.

They've all got a secret, but which of those on the stage wanted Gordon Mason, the actor who had portrayed Caesar, dead?

Death and the Lucky Man (Book 3) - Sixty-eight million pounds and DEAD!

Someone had once told Detective Inspector Keith Tremayne that some people were lucky and some weren't. Tremayne knew only one thing: the man lying dead in a pool of blood had qualified on the lucky after winning sixty-eight million pounds on a lottery ticket, but now his luck had run out.

Tremayne knew the victim, Alan Winters; even knew his family. The man with all his new wealth had not hidden behind closed doors, fending off the scrounging relatives, the newly-found friends. That wasn't Winters' style. He had been out and about, driving expensive cars, living well.

And now he was dead. Tremayne knew the questions would start to roll. And why was he lying on the Altar Stone at Stonehenge, naked, with his throat cut? Clare Yarwood, his sergeant, had seen the body as well, turned away initially at the sight of it, but had taken a deep breath and stood alongside Tremayne. 'Nasty one, guv,' she said.