Healing Takes Time

Loss can occur in many forms, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or termination of a job. Healing Takes Time is filled with 52 meditations and reflections to help people experiencing loss start a journey of healing. This biblical resource draws on experiences from Galagher's life, and includes a theme, relevant Scripture passages, personal illustrations, and practical steps to take toward healing in each meditation. Just as a physical injury takes time to mend, emotional and spiritual anguish require time, patience, and faith to heal. Perspective is often lost during painful times, and the Scripture passages in this book are a fresh reminder of God's love and faithfulness.

Most people have heard about the stages of grief, but knowing the stages academically is quite different from knowing them in the heart. Healing Takes Time helps those suffering loss, loneliness, and sorrow prayerfully walk through the stages of grief step-by-step. Healing Takes Time is ideal for support groups or people working at their own pace. This short, practical, and focused book is a helpful companion for anyone experiencing emotional or spiritual distress.

David P. Gallagher (www.agingsuccessfullytoday.com), is a professor, author, and Pastor Emeritus with five decades of pastoral experience. He teaches for the University of Sioux Falls and Moody Distance Learning and is the author of three previous books: Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century, Aging Successfully, and Havens of Hope.