Reshaping Teaching Policy, Preparation, and Practice
Influences of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
出版AACTE, 1999
主題Education / Professional Development
註釋This book describes results of the work by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Section 1, "Introduction," introduces the work of the National Board and discusses educational change and teacher improvement in general. Section 2, "Standard Setting in Teaching," explains that in order to appreciate the effects of the National Board's work, it is important to understand where it fits in the organization and governance of the teaching profession. It discusses the accreditation of teacher preparation programs, the development of a common knowledge base, and the creation of professional standards. Section 3, "Influences of New Standards and Assessments on Teacher Learning," explains that the new standards are significantly different from first-generation approaches to teacher testing. They seek to assess teaching knowledge and skill through portfolios and performances. This section discusses the demonstration of standards and assessments at work and describes the INTASC standards, which include 10 principles. Section 4, "Uses and Effects of the New Standards," describes how states have adopted and used the new standards. Section 5, "Preparing Teachers to Meet the Standards," examines how teacher education programs participate in preparing teachers for the new standards. Section 6, "Conclusion," suggests that the new standards can make an important contribution to the education of teachers who are prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. (Contains 39 references.) (SM)