Mythical Creatures
註釋Children love tales about dragons and monsters--and this large, richly illustrated book will enthrall them with its array of mythical creatures of all shapes and sizes. Here, for example, is a Cyclops, a hideous one-eyed giant from Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey. Young readers can pull a tab on that picture and expose the contents of the Cyclops's belly: He has eaten Odysseus's sailors for breakfast! From Norse mythology, readers encounter a giant saber-toothed serpent named Jörmungand, a symbol of evil--and just as frightening is Hydra, from Greek mythology, a serpent with many snarling heads. Memorable myths from England tell of fire-breathing dragons, slain in one tale by St. George, and in another by Beowulf. The book's many other unusual features include--

  • A magnificent dragon poster, suitable for framing and enclosed in the book's inside cover pocket
  • A huge double-page pop-up Phoenix that rises from the ashes
  • A Labyrinth board game based on the Greek myth of the bull-man Minotaur
  • A miniature illustrated booklet with brief stories of dragon slayers . . . and more.

    Page after page dramatically evokes the blood-curdling cries of creatures that boys and girls will never want to meet--except, of course, in this magnificently illustrated book.