註釋For those who have endured the heart-wrenching loss of a loved one, "Rock On: Mining for Joy in the Deep River of Sibling Grief" is a powerful and deeply personal memoir that shines a beacon of hope through the darkest of times, showing you that even in the depths of grief, there is a path to healing and renewed joy.

Rock On: Mining for Joy in the Deep River of Sibling Grief is about love, loss, grief, and the journey toward hope and reclaiming joy. Rock On focuses solely on sibling loss because it’s a tragedy author Susan Casey experienced in her own life. On Valentine’s Day, 2014, she learned of the horrific and unexpected death of her forty-three-year-old brother Rocky (birth name: Brian) who died while in Hong Kong with his wife and three-and-a-half-year-old daughter.Susan shares her journey, capturing the bond between her and her brother, the shock over his sudden death, and the emotional three-week trip to Asia. When Susan returned home, she was faced with unimaginable grief. In her effort to heal, she interviewed others all over the world that had lost a sibling. Brothers and sisters shared their stories with a vulnerable and open heart, and these stories helped to nudge Susan, step by step, out of the deep river of grief. As she listened, a deeper healing took place, anchoring Susan’s belief that loving and losing far outweigh never loving at all. The stories segue into excerpts from the people she talked to that are relevant to the theme of each chapter.

Susan weaves in her memories throughout each story and ends each chapter with her thoughts on the chapter’s theme to provide additional insights to help the reader on their grief journey. Susan’s story and the stories of other people who lost a sibling explore the resiliency of the human spirit after a tragic loss and how their sibling’s death impacted their lives.

"Susan Casey takes readers on a harrowing journey from the black river of grief to reclaiming a life with joy and a transformed heart. A must read for anyone who has lost a brother or sister and has embarked on their own healing odyssey." Barbara Walsh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of August Gale: A Father and Daughter's Journey into the Storm and Sammy in the Sky.