The JFK Myths

"This is one of the most important books on the Kennedy assassination ever written1⁄4. Readers will not only understand the simplicity of the JFK assassination, but also the proper way of investigating it." -Dr. Ken Rahn, Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry Emeritus University of Rhode Island

"This is an excellent book that I recommend without any hesitation. It is the only book to address the firearms and ballistic aspects of the JFK assassination in a logical, knowledgeable and scientific manner. It dispels the myths and falsehoods that have either grown up or been generated about the weapon, and the wounds. Anyone interested in the Kennedy assassination must have a copy of this book."-Dr. Vincent DiMaio, Nationally recognized JFK expert and Medical Examiner of Bexar County, Texas

"A breakthrough work1⁄4the written record on this subject is begging for more authoritative work like this. The manner in which Sturdivan presents this new information is extremely effective. Besides having a wealth of scientific knowledge, he is truly a skillful writer."-John Canal, author of Silencing the Lone Assassin

"The collision between the advocacy method and the scientific method of solving cases is a key factor in understanding our times. Larry Sturdivan shows how it played out in promoting doubts about one of the most notorious 20th century crimes."-William K. Hartmann, Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, and Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science