註釋1. INTRODUCTION Definitions Causes of disability Access and legal background (Disability Discrimination Act) Implications of disability legislation 2. APPROPRIATE ORAL HEALTH CARE Barriers to oral healthcare Goals The people involved in providing care Treatment planning Consent Oral health in people with disabilities Treatment modification 3. SPECIFIC PROBLEM AREAS; ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED A Acromegaly Addisons disease AIDS (see HIV/AIDS) Alcoholism Alzheimers disease Amphetamine, LSD and Ecstasy abuse Anaemias; deficiency (and see specific conditions) Ankylosing spondylitis Angina (see Ischaemic Heart Disease) Anorexia (see Eating disorders) Anticoagulants (see Warfarinisation and Heparinisation) Anxiety states Aortic valve diseases Arthritis (see Gout, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis) Asplenia Asthma Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Autism B Bedbound patients Bleeding disorders (see specific diseases) Blind patients (see Visually impaired) Bone marrow transplantation Bulimia (see Eating disorders) C Cancer (of head and neck) Cardiac arrhythmias Cardiac failure Cerebral palsy Chairbound patients (see Spina bifida) Chemotherapy Christmas disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cocaine abuse Congenital heart disease Creutzfeldt Jakob disease Crohn disease Cushings syndrome Cystic fibrosis D Deafness (see Hearing impaired) Depression Diabetes insipidus Diabetes mellitus Down syndrome Drug abuse (see individual drugs) Drug allergies E Eating disorders Elderly End of life care Endocarditis Endocrinopathies (see specific diseases) Epilepsy F Fallot's tetralogy (see Congenital heart disease) G Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency Gout Graft versus host disease (GVHD) H Haemophilia A Hearing impaired Heart transplantation Heparinisation Hepatitis (B,C,and D viruses and autoimmune) Heroin and opioid abuse HIV / AIDS Huntington's chorea Hydrocephalus Hyperaldosteronism Hyperparathyroidism Hypertension Hyperthyroidi.