Pictures of You

Twenty-something Alison Hendry lives with her boyfriend Adrian and her sister Suzanne. While Adrian and Suzanne enjoy an extended adolescence, acting out famous events from recent rock history in their tiny living-room, Alison keeps the three of them alive by working at Force, a fashionable men's magazine.

Alison loves everything about her job. She loves the stylish offices, the well-groomed men, and most of all, her boss, Martin Powell. It is a crush she hopes will remain unrequited, as she knows she'd go off him if she found out he returned her affections.

Martin, meanwhile, has problems of his own. A decadent lifestyle and one too many infidelities have turned his marriage into a mockery, and he's taken to spending most evenings avoiding his impossibly posh wife, Claudia. But when Martin loses his job and takes on a ludicrous new commission, everything becomes subject to change....