Book 42, the Connections Between Math Function, Prose, Poetry, and the Storytelling System
The Art of Creating Concise Messages Using Compactification Fundamentals
出版Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp, 2024-10-22
主題Science / Essays
註釋Book 42, the connections between math function, prose, poetry, and the storytelling system

The art of creating concise messages using compactification fundamentals.

This book celebrates the connections between math function, prose, poetry, and the art of creating concise messages using compactification fundamentals.

It covers scalable stories, starting from no words or symbols such as non-existence, nothingness, absence of all quality or quantity, void of non-being to 1 to 299 words considered a communication sweet spot scalable range, then scale up to 1,500, 5,000, 20,000, 40,000, and beyond.

And this book explores how to craft quintessential phrases, elevator pitches, loglines, taglines, microfiction, micrononfiction and more.

And this book guides you through the process of creating messages that are clear, effective, practical, and vivid based on Vitruvian principles to help solve daily problems, explain the universe, and even lead to an eternal paradise ...
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