Rabbits to Lita
註釋Nostalgia was a friendly companion as I opened doors that led to the writing of this memoir. Brazilians have a wordsaudadeswhich wistfully speaks to a yearning for things past. Begin anywhere, were the words of teacher Mims Cushing, in a memoir writing class at Ponte Vedra Library. A great jump-start and since 2002 nostalgia has partnered with the fun of describing experiences, family and friends. Hindsight has shown me that a diversified background has helped me adapt to and appreciate new situations. Years ago, I often felt shy and different when asked where are you from? After a few mumbled words I volleyed the same question back so as not to begin the litany of my background. I now speak with an all-encompassing American accent, that only took hold in my 20s. I do revert to my original accent if I speak to a person with my British tones of yore.