The Compleat Arbitrator
Or, The Law of Awards and Arbitraments : Containing Plain and Easy Directions to All Kinds of Arbitrators, what Matters are Proper to be Submitted to Arbitration, and in what Manner; the Nature and Different Kinds of Submissions, the Parties to the Submission, the Duty and Office of Arbitrators and Umpires; the Right Manner of Making and Delivering Up Awards; how Awards Have Been Construed in Equity, the Manner of Making and Enforcing the Performance of Awards, when the Submission Has Been Made a Rule of Court; the Right Method of Setting Forth and Pleading Awards : with Precedents of Submissions, Awards and Pleadings in All Cases
出版The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2009
主題Law / Arbitration, Negotiation, MediationLaw / Civil Procedure
註釋First edition. This was the first substantial treatise on the subject. (It was preceded by an anonymous 93-page work from 1694.) "It is a good straightforward and up-to-date account of the law. That it was found to be useful is shown by the fact that it reached a third edition in 1770.": Holdsworth, A History of English Law XII:393.