A Secret History of Yoga
The Myths of Modern Yoga Between Science, Devotion, and Ideology
出版Independently Published, 2021-06-03
主題Health & Fitness / Yoga
註釋The teachings we have come to know as "Traditional Yoga" in the west are, surprisingly, the result of a process of radical transformation, or even of mystification, carried out in the relatively recent past. It spanned back at most 130 years and was influenced heavily by the historical, political and cultural upheavals that led to the birth of modern India.

During the research that has led to this publication, we came to understand more and more that it was necessary to place yoga in the broader context in which it had been born and evolved.
Comparing the information already at hand, i.e., the one contained in the most credited yoga texts and the one transmitted by our teachers, we then began to confront ourselves with documentary and iconographic sources: Indian, Islamic, Greek, Tibetan, Chinese...Inexplicable inconsistencies and bizarre coincidences surfaced.

A completely different history of yoga began to emerge behind the veil of myths, beliefs and assumptions we were taught, a "secret" history hidden in plain sight that certainly did not speak of an unchangeable "traditional" antiquity, or about philosophies and practices untouched by the ideas of the west.