High Seas Satellite Launches: Paragon of Post-Cold War Cooperation Or Unregulated Danger?
註釋This case study is designed to highlight the tradeoffs between the benefits of international trade and cooperation in high-tech industries; but also the dangers of leaking defense-related technology. It centers on a frustrating dilemma that confronted John D. Holum, the State Department's acting under secretary of state for arms control and international security affairs. State's Office of Defense Trade Control (ODTC) had uncovered 207 violations of the U.S. Arms Export Control Act and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. The gist of these allegations was that Boeing had exported defense-related articles, technology, and services to Germany, Norway, Russia, and Ukraine. Aside from potential criminal penalties, these violations could incur a fine of up to $500,000 per violation. Many at ODTC considered the project a serious and continuing risk-yet it also heralded the new global cooperation that only a few years earlier had seemed unimaginable-and which represented the new foreign policy vision that the Clinton administration advocated. The case study analyzes the question Holum had to decide-whether the program's gains outweighed the risk of further leaks of sensitive missile technology.