The Devil’S Revenge
註釋As long as mankind has existed he has been plagued by two questions, Where did I come from? and Where am I going? Anthropologists, geologists, astronomers, and archaeologists have been searching for an answer to the first question and have produced a lot of evidence to show where mankind came from and how long mankind has existed on planet Earth. Theology students have applied their own thinking on both these questions and claim to know the answers. This book takes an individual view and reaches a definite and alarming conclusion. The author lived with his family through the Second World War and after the end of the war went to an agricultural college and then spent many years as a farm worker where he came to the conclusion that life was not as we have been led to believe by the establishment. In the agricultural college, he studied the work of Gregor Mendel and the subject of genetics in all living things, animal, and plants of all kinds and reached the conclusion that the creator of all life on earth is the sun, which is responsible through its various light forms, infrared, ultraviolet, and other forms of lights that are not visible to mankind but can be seen by some species of animal that humans look down on and think of as low life.