註釋The PHP 4 Bible is a comprehensive tutorial and reference to PHP. The Bible provides a clear, coherent description of PHP and how to use it whether you are a web developer, someone with ASP experience, or a C programmer. The book covers why users need PHP, how to get started, how to add PHP to HTML, and how to connect HTML web pages to databases. The authors take advantage of their own extensive experience using PHP to provides case studies of how and where to use PHP, along with advanced topics such as HTTP, cookies, redirection, building graphics, and sessions.

Why you need this book:
* Comprehensive tutorial for PHP4: covers all the basics of PHP 4, and how to use PHP to connect HTML- and XML-based web pages to databases.
* Essential reference for programmers: provides extensive PHP case studies, and appendices that get you up and running quickly if you have a experience with JavaScript, ASP, Perl and C/C++
* Covers the key features and improvements in PHP 4
* Advance topics include: building graphics, classes and objects, sessions, cookies, and real-life case studies
* Expert authors: Tim Converse is a programmer with experience in web developer and who instructs at the University of Chicago. Joyce Park is a writer on open source topics and web developer who creates sites using PHP.