A Compleat History of Druggs
Written in French by Monsieur Pomet, Chief Druggist to the Late French King Lewis XIV. To which is Added what is Further Observable on the Same Subject, from Mess. Lemery and Tournefort, Divided Into Three Classes, Vegetable, Animal and Mineral ; with Their Use in Physick, Chymistry, Pharmacy, and Several Other Arts. Illustrated with Above Four Hundred Copper Cutts, Curiously Done from the Life ; and an Explanation of Their Different Names, Places of Growth, and Countries from Whence They are Brought ; the Way to Know the True from the False ; Their Virtues, &c. A Work of Very Great Use and Curiosity. Done Into English from the Originals
出版J. and J. Bonwicke, R. Wilkin, S. Birt, T. Ward and E. Wicksteed, 1737