Love of Life and Other Stories
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  • Illustrated
Love of Life & Other Stories by Jack London A collection of eight short stories from American author, journalist, and social activist Jack London. Written during his 'Klondike' period, the title story 'Love of Life' follows the trek of a prospector across the Canadian tundra.Contents: Love of Life, The Story of Keesh, A Day's Lodging, Negore, The Coward, The Sun Dog Trail, The Unexpected, The White Man's Way, Brown Wolf. This is a story of survival at its most pure. It is an exploration of a man's will to survive. London tells the story in great detail, recounting moments of fear, anguish and raw hunger endured by his protagonists. It's human nature to cling to life when the world is trying to rip it from your fingers. This is a well told story of the lengths a man will go to when pressed beyond normal limits.