Response of Enrico Fermi Reactor to TNT Simulated Nuclear Accidents
註釋The MHA (maximum hypothetical nuclear accident) for the Fermi reactor has been postulated for the purpose of this report not to exceed in violence the detonation of 1000 pounds of TNT at the core location. This report is addressed to predicting the structural response of Fermi to the MHA, particularly the possible jump of the shield plug. An extensive experimental program was conducted in which scaled charges of explosives (some cased in molten sodium) were detonated in idealized models of the Fermi reactor. The results of this experimental program together with available theory indicate that the accident would be contained within the reactor shielding complex, but that the 143-ton shield plug, if unimpeded, might be propelled as high as 102 feet and through the roof of the containment building. In response to the findings of this extensive study, the Fermi reactor will be equipped with an arrester that will prevent a hazardous plug jump in the unlikely event of a nuclear accident. (Author).