Does Local Governments' Responsiveness Increase with Decentralization and Democratization?
Evidence from Sub-national Budget Allocation in Indonesia
出版Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Freiburg, 2013
註釋We investigate the effects of Indonesian decentralization and democratization on budget allocation at the sub-national level. Based on panel data for 271 Indonesian districts over 13 years, we address the determinants of local investment expenditures in education, health and infrastructure. We find that local governments' responsiveness increased with decentralization considerably: districts with relatively lower levels of public service delivery increased their investments by relatively more after decentralization. We find that fiscal and administrative decentralization had a clear impact on local budget allocation while there is no evidence for additional improvements in responsiveness of local governments due to the political decentralization and democratization process. Our evidence reflects thus improvements in local targeting irrespective of the strength of the political competition at the local level.