Attachment Volume 7 Number 2

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis is a leading-edge journal for clinicians working relationally with their clients. It is a professional journal, featuring cultural articles, politics, reviews and poetry relevant to attachment and relational issues; an inclusive journal welcoming contributions from clinicians of all orientations seeking to make a contribution to attachment approaches to clinical work; an international journal open to ideas and practices from all countries and cultures; and a cutting-edge journal with up-to-date briefings on latest developments in neuroscience relevant to psychotherapy and counselling.


- Emerging Narratives of Historic Abuse: Is this a Watershed Moment?by Sue Richardson

- The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome –Thirty Years On An Introduction to the Republication of Professor Roland Summit’s Article from 1983 by Kate White

- The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome by Roland C. Summit

- Fear Free Exploratory Care-giving: A Challenge for Therapists in the Present Social, Political, and Cultural Environment by Una McCluskey

- Hidden Trauma Within the Care-giver Relationship An Account of Clinical Work with a Client Labelled as Having a “Borderline Personality Disorder” by Catherine Mitson

- Early Boarding: Rich Children in Care, Their Adaptation to Loss of Attachment by Anne Power

- Boarding School Syndrome: Disguised Attachment-deficit and Dissociation Reinforced by Institutional Neglect and Abuse by Simon Partridge