Use Me, Lord
Helena Ohmen
Xulon Press
, 2010-11
Religion / Christian Living / General
Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
Religion / Spirituality
Religion / Faith
'Use Me, Lord' is a collection of short, easy- to- read, true stories from the author's life. These amazing stories reveal the Power of God in everyday life. When one permits God to use them for His Glory, extraordinary events unfold. This book was written to glorify God, lead others to Christ and allow everyone to realize they can be used of God through simple surrender to His will. Stories include God's direction for the author to move with her husband and children from the only home they had ever known to a location far away from family, friends, and church. These stories will encourage and strengthen you to wait on the Lord to provide for your needs. Realizing God's visible answers to prayer will draw you closer to Him. The author's passion for the lost and God's call on her life to win souls for the Kingdom of God is evident. Having delayed God's direction to write this book because she was "too busy", the author lost her job. After allowing her a few days of self-pity and crying He instructed, "Now write the book." Her willingness to lose it all to say "Yes" to God is testimony of her faith. 'Use Me, Lord' will bring you to tears and make you laugh while allowing you to reflect on what you are doing for the glory of God. Helena Ohmen lives with her husband Fred in White Pine, Tennessee. She has been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years. Her long career has allowed her to meet many people in need of healing and many others seeking answers to the meaning of life. Helena thanks God for her marriage of 31 years to Fred, her two children, their God-given spouses, and her grand-daughter. Please visit Helena's website: www.incrediblemiracles.com