The Collaboration Breakthrough

 Tools To Create A Workplace You Love Imagine, for a moment, a workplace where you and your co-workers: 

* Share a clear and common purpose. 
* Conduct open and respectful conversations. 
* Easily build commitment to new ideas and approaches. 
* Use simple tools to guide decisions, actions, and accountability. 
* Find opportunities to innovate, learn and grow. 
* Have complete trust and confidence in one another. 

This workplace does exist―a workplace where people think differently and achieve their goals, crush the competition, turn customers into enthusiastic fans, and love going to work every day. It's called a Collaborative Workplace and it starts inside this book. Follow the story of an almost fictitious finance grad as he experiences four different workplaces. You are likely to find your own workplace among them. Then, get the Breakthrough Tools you need to make the shift to a Collaborative Workplace wherever you are and regardless of your job title. Creating a Collaboration Breakthrough is not only doable, it is essential in today's highly chaotic, competitive, uncertain, and ever changing business landscape. The only question is: Do you have the courage to make it happen?