Questioning Consensus, Cultivating Conflict
註釋In this essay we put into question the pre-occupation with consensus and convergence that seems to characterize the field of OMT (Organization and Management Theory). Much effort has been directed to providing a model of unification legitimating the political containment of conflictual diversity. Even potentially controversial debates (such as the "Paradigm Wars") have taken on a rather tired quality as academics tend to look for the "middle ground" or are happy to retreat into private language games. We suggest that we should move beyond "bridging" or "containment" strategies and strive for a true re-politicization of the field. This presupposes that we learn to value notions of conflict and struggle again, rather than muffling them by referring to a common "professionalism". In developing our argument we connect with the thinking of Mikhail Bakhtin, offering a challenge to both integration/consensus and fragmentation/incommensurability discourses which seem so prevalent in our field today.