New Visions Anthology
註釋This is the sensational second volume of New Visions, an anthology of Christian creators showcasing a wide range of art styles and comic genres. This issue's collection of standalone short stories includes a superheroic adventure by Matt Tolbert and Frank Fosco, a lighthearted look at sharing faith by Ami Waite, a rap ballad of spiritual warfare by Clint DeRon Johnson and Wayne Cash, a science fiction expedition by Joel Jason Chua, a superheroic encounter with the occult by Eric Jansen, and stylized visual adaptations of classic proverbs and parables of scripture by Geoff Strout, Kathleen Webb, and Steven Butler. All this, plus the next serialized chapter of "Parallel Park", the comedic misadventures of a high school Bible study club, by Ralph Ellis Miley and Kevin Yong.