Organic Intelligence (O.I.)

George Orwell, author of 1984, worked for the British Broadcasting Corporation for two years. Reflecting on his experience at the BBC, Orwell said, “Its atmosphere is something halfway between a girls’ school and a lunatic asylum and all we are doing at present is useless, or slightly worse than useless.” Many decades later, the BBC is exactly the same.

How should we describe the places developing new A.I.? Halfway between Comic Con and a lunatic asylum?

People are transfixed by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). They have forgotten the power of Organic Intelligence (O.I.). Humans became masters of the world and landed men on the moon because of O.I. It was O.I. that thought up A.I. And even greater wonders are possible.

Each of us has an unconscious mind with O.I. potentialities barely guessed at. The unconscious is the supreme terra incognita. What lies at the end of that land is the domain of gods, reachable by Bifröst, the sublime rainbow bridge.

Discover the Creative Mind, the supra-liminal mind, the subliminal mind, the subjective mind, the bicameral mind. Did the gods once speak directly to us?

Find out about synaptic pruning, the triune brain, the evolutionary theories of Lamarck and Wallace. Are their theories superior to Darwinism?

The refrigerator mother, the malignant narcissist, the lack of secure base, the mother complex, autism ... how does it all fit together?

Ant trails, stem cells, neural nets. What’s it all about?

Is the local body controlled by a non-local mind? What is the transmission theory of consciousness? Is the brain a transceiver or a bi-directional transduction device? Is it a filter for cosmic consciousness? Are telepathy and telekinesis possible?

Follow the pheromone trail of the ants to Golgonooza, the City of the Imagination, where the Magic Mirror is kept. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the smartest of all?

Can we optimize the mind? Is the optimized mind none other than God?

Who will pay the Ferryman? Will you always be trapped on the near side of the river? You’ll never make it to the Other Side.

Come inside and discover how far from organic intelligence A.I. truly is. Discover how amazing your own mind is, both consciously and unconsciously.

Orwell said, “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” If thought optimizes language, language can also optimize thought. Does “God” think in perfect language? Is that what perfect O.I. is?