註釋Chinese Canadians have been among the earliest of settlers to this land we now call British Columbia. This book celebrates a community whose legacy can be found as physical traces in the landscape, and in the social and economic transformations that have occurred over the decades in the larger society.

As a result of the 2014 apology, supported by all members of the legislative assembly, for historic laws directly and specifically imposed on Chinese Canadians by past provincial governments, a number of legacy projects were formulated. These projects, including this book, Celebration: Chinese Canadian Legacies in British Columbia, were developed and advised by a council consisting of community leaders and academics (in total, 20 members and two co-chairs).

As with all legacy projects, this book reflects the goals of educating the public and increasing awareness of past discriminatory practices. As well, it celebrates heritage values and the community’s achievements.

By focusing on individual stories, the book’s intention is to illustrate and contextualize the development and history of Chinese Canadians, recognizing their perseverance, bearing, and dignity while enduring the hardships resulting from the overt racism of the late 19th and early 20th century.