Sophia, Sophia!
註釋There is nothing like wisdom. She is personified in scripture as feminine. Her fierceness is in her ability to determine what wise behavior is and what it is not. In opposition to folly and foolishness wisdom stands alone, surrounded by her personal crew; described in this journal as the seven qualities of wisdom. They are: Knowledge, understanding, Prudence, Soundness, Reason, Judgment, and Discretion. Together they make it a clear distinction between wisdom and folly. Because of wisdom we find the reverential respect required by our God. By wisdom we are guided around the pitfalls of a deceptive world. Through wisdom we are able to make better decisions pertaining to our relationships and the value of our most significant dealings. With wisdom we can avoid behavior that can harm us more than benefit us. By using wisdom we can learn to work hard and spend our earnings wisely. From wisdom we gain the greatest of wealth the world has ever known. Wisdom alone is the quality we should pursue as much as we pursue God Himself. It is in our pursuit of this living quality that we will, like Solomon, make life more manageable, and better altogether.