Os cristãos-novos em Minas Gerais durante o ciclo do ouro, 1695-1755
relações com a Inglaterra
出版Pioneira, 1992
註釋Analyzes the important contribution of Portuguese Conversos fleeing the Inquisition to the colonization and development of the Brazilian provinces of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. States that a large number of Conversos were involved in gold and diamond mining activities in southern Brazil, as well as in the African black slave trade, having close relations with Conversos who settled in England. Ch. 8 (pp. 171-182) deals with the Inquisition. The persecution of Conversos by the Portuguese Inquisition in southern Brazil began only when the region became known for its gold riches. Between 1704-67, more than 450 Conversos were sentenced for Judaizing, and their property was confiscated by the Holy Office; many others emigrated.