註釋Uncertainty about the magnitude, frequency, location, and timing of stock-specific sockeye and chum salmon harvest in western Alaska fisheries was the impetus for the Western Alaska Salmon Stock Identification Program (WASSIP). The program was designed to use genetic data in mixed stock analysis (MSA) of fisheries samples to more clearly describe harvest patterns of sockeye and chum salmon stocks in western Alaska fisheries. This report reviews the history of WASSIP, summarizes the memorandum of understanding as the guiding document for the program, and reviews participation and contributions of the Advisory Panel and Technical Committee to the program. Brief descriptions of WASSIP sockeye fisheries are provided and previous sockeye tagging and stock identification studies are reviewed. We describe the methodology used to estimate stock-specific harvests and harvest rates for sockeye salmon, report these estimates, and provide guidance on interpretation of results. These results provide the most comprehensive examination of stock-specific harvest and harvest rates across western Alaska sockeye salmon fisheries ever attempted.