註釋Join me as I recount true stories of my torturous years of schooling and early adulthood in England, share my stories of the Australia I knew as a Drifter during the 1960's and 1970's and finally the rollercoaster ride of recreating myself and my life.Born into a wealthy household in England in 1942, Christopher could've expected a life of privilege. This was not to be. At six year old, Christopher entered boarding school. Undiagnosed and debilitating dyslexia led to an aversion of schoolwork; and violent sexual abuse by a fellow boarder became the impetus for refusing to return to school at fourteen year old. Extremely shy, inept socially and emotionally, and devoid of the most basic literacy and numeric skills, Christopher embarked on a life of hard manual labour in rural England. In 1962, continual frustrations led to the escalation of outbursts of anger culminating in a stint of involuntary commitment. In 1964 at the age of twenty one year old he left England for Australia as a '10 Pound Pom'. From 1964 to 1973 Christopher roamed Australia - its cities, country towns and outback. His real, varied and unique experiences and the people he met along the way are captured by black and white photos and audio tapes, tirelessly recorded on his trusty reel-to-reel audio tape recorder, that on many occasions was pawned to buy food when down and out. But a rolling stone gathers no moss. Christopher, the Adventurer, had insidiously become a hardworking, hard-drinking and hard playing Drifter. Compelling, 'warts and all' stories are shared with the Reader. These stories reflect the highs and lows of Chris as a child, young man and ultimately a Drifter during the 1960s and 1970s - a period of great social and cultural change in Australia, are shared with the reader. In April 1973 at the remote Yuendumu Aboriginal Settlement in the Northern Territory of Australia, Christopher's life changed irrevocably within the space of a few weeks. At this most outback and unlikely setting, three things merged that would alter the course of his life: