The Other Bible Code

What does the future hold for Planet Earth? That is the critical question for these troubled times. Christians believe that the Bible holds the answer. Ultimately the Kingdom of God will come "On Earth as it is in Heaven." That much is certain; however just how and when that will happen is often the subject of debate.

In "The Other Bible Code," the author shows that God has encrypted the destiny of the Church and the world into the history of His chosen people Israel. This Code brings break-through revelation, which will encourage the Church to rise up and fulfil its destiny in the Earth. The Church of Jesus Christ is the instrument through which God works to fulfil His purposes in the world. Events in Israel's history will guide us "on whom the ends of the ages have come."
(1 Corinthians 10:11)

The Code shows that we are living in very significant times and, though the future holds much upheaval, there is also great victory and glory ahead for the Church.