Machine Translation in Post-Contemporary Era
Grace Hui Chin Lin
ERIC Clearinghouse
, 2010
This article focusing on translating techniques via personal computer or laptop reports updated artificial intelligence progresses before 2010. Based on interpretations and information for field of MT [Machine Translation] by Yorick Wilks' book, "Machine Translation, Its scope and limits," this paper displays understandable theoretical frameworks from views of a translating field worker and linguistics. Moreover, from author's practical application experiences working as a translator, this research in addition introduces two current and popular soft wares and translating systems created by SYSTRAN and Google. The basic functions and characteristics created by computering assistant translation are thoroughly examined and introduced. More importantly, the advantages and weaknesses in computational assisting procedures are investigated and revealed. The purpose of this study mainly focuses on providing an overview for what functions and what doesn't perform well in computational linguistics, comparing to human translation. After reading this commentary-oriented article, the reader will obtain basic concepts for definitions and explanations for diverse terminologies in MT field.