Revolutionary War Days
註釋Discover life in America during the Revolutionary War with dozensof exciting projects, games, and recipes.

Step back in time to 1776 America and visit with the Logan familyon their farm in Virginia, and the Wentworths at their inn inPhiladelphia. Join eleven-year-old Joshua Logan and twelve-year-oldPeggy Wentworth as they share the excitement, adventure, and hardwork of Revolutionary War days. Let Joshua and Peggy show you howto play their favorite games, cook up yummy recipes, and even makecool toys and crafts!

Learn to make a pair of comfy moccasins, design your own flag, playthe exciting game of Siege, and taste the scrumptious flavors ofthe time by baking your own cranberry nut bread or deliciousIndependence Day shortcake. Brimming with authentic sights, tastes,and activities, Revolutionary War Days will bring the past to vividlife and take you on an exhilarating journey into a fascinatingtime in American history.