Mad About Maddie

Everybody of picturesque Hanscomb Harbor knows about pretty shop owner Maddie Copeland's bad luck. Getting bitten by a dog has made her absolutely phobic about the critters. getting left at the altar has made her just as scared of romance. But when a summer resident, a dear, yet quirky, old man named James dies and leaves a will behind naming Maddie as his heir, her luck starts to look up--that is, until she meets James's handsome, bachelor grandson...

When Henry "Hank" Madison III hears the terms of his wealthy grandfather's will, he is outrage. If he wants to remain acting CEO of James's corporation, Hank must live in Hanscomb Harbor for six weeks, with not a laptop in sight. And if that isn't bad enough, he has to share his inheritance with some blond bombshell! But Hank isn't about to let some gold-digger rob him of what's rightfully his--even if she does take his breath away every time she is near...and even if he is hopelessly losing his heart to her.