Parents have approximately 936 weeks from the time their child is born until he or she graduates from high school.
It goes by fast. The responsibility to shape a child’s faith and character can seem overwhelming.
If you are a parent, you have probably realized by now that you can’t make a toddler share. Can’t force a child to have faith. Can’t compel a teenager to make smart decisions.
But there is something parents can do. They can make this week count. And then do it again, and again.
In Don’t Miss It, authors Reggie Joiner and Kristen Ivy help parents discover that what they understand about their kids now has the potential to change their kids’ future. If parents don’t miss what’s happening during this phase of their kids’ lives, then maybe kids won’t miss some important things they need to know about life. That’s why what parents do this week matters.
It’s just a phase. And none of us wants to miss it.