The book of Revelation clearly tells us that someday there would be an end to this
world; many have tried to determine this mystery date in our future to no avail. But the
mystery that the date seekers and many others failed to notice is this,
Why is so much more important than when? There is no question about it; this
world will definitely come to an end. But, why is it going to end?
In an ancient generation of mankind God gave man his law. It is called the “TEN
COMMANDMENTS”. In today’s society these laws are broken every day without much
notice. To our own ignorance there is always a price to pay when we disobey. But life
goes on. These laws were put into place to protect us from ourselves. But there is one sin
that brought our world to an end that fell through the cracks virtually unnoticed. This
great sin has now spread throughout the entire earth; Christians and unbelievers are all
involved in this sin that has now grown so large that it is actually bringing in the curse of
God for the judgment of this sin that will ultimately end our world as we know it.
Fulfilling the prophecies of the book of Revelation. In this day and time knowledge has
been much increased. So the sin that caused our world to end would have to be put in
place in such a way as to be greatly unnoticed. Such as an illusionist or magician.
In this book that you are about to read, you will learn the greatest deception ever
pulled off in the world’s history, and at a cost so great that it will cause the end of our
world, as we know it. The time for this judgment has already began, as early as 2007 the
count down clock for the end of the world events began to tick off. The Holy bible was
given to mankind directly from God to tell us how life began and why our world ended.