Breaking Chains Through the Power of Christ Jesus
Diane M Neumann
Independently Published
, 2021-08-05
Religion / Christian Living / Personal Growth
Jesus Christ reconciled humanity into complete wholeness with His obedient submission to the plans of the Godhead. His death, resurrection and ascension provide abundant life to those who willing accept the gift and submit to Jesus Christ as the Lord of their life. Unfortunately, from lack of wisdom, many Christians are still caught in the bondages of the world order and not knowing this abundant life. Some have not been shown how to embrace this promised wholeness. Others have not completely surrendered to His Lordship. Both groups are caught in chains to the world system despite the declaration of freedom. This book is written for these people.
The first half of the book explains how people are caught in these traps. Choices, thought patterns, and lies that created these bondages are examined. The second half of the book describes actions a Christian may take to break out of these chains. It is not a definitive guide to the process of breaking all chains. Rather, the recommendations are the beginning steps a person may take as the counselor, the Holy Spirit, leads someone into complete freedom. These are signposts for the believer along their unique journey to wholeness in Jesus Christ.