Message in a Bottle

My reason for speaking up is to return to some sensible limited government. To empower all Australians to lead their own lives in freedom and to maximise opportunities for all to live out their dreams as much as possible.

Currently I see government and growing bureaucracy seeking to dominate and control. We are on a road to serfdom and it needs to change. Too many hard working tax payers have their trust abused and have become unwilling pawns in a game of political chess. Dangerous Marxist ideas grow in popularity, showing a failing liberal message. Many politicians pretend to want to protect citizens from themselves, while in the process making life no life worth living at all.

Book about classical liberalism and the state of politics in Australia.

The current pernicious victimhood mentality of identity politics is harmful and disempowering. It removes accountability and so hope and respect. It creates dependency and more important a culture of division and class warfare, rather than unity and cultural harmony. I prefer a small government that works for you, rather than one that forces you to work for it and I like to see a legislature that will protect your rights rather than one that keeps taking your rights away.