A Treatise on Otoslerosis and its Treatment

For all ear doctors, otosclerosis is an intriguing condition. The disease appears to occur only in the human race and mainly in young adults. The pathology of the disorder has only been known for a little more than a century. Treatment of the fixed stapes has included many special therapies during that period. Because of the evolution of technology in medicine, the response to the development of otosclerosis has become increasingly clear in spite of the fact that the cause of this ear disease is still unknown.

Literature on otosclerosis includes thousands of publications, amongst which many textbooks. Recent books are often composed of chapters with a specific section on otosclerosis, written by a specialist in that area. Most of the time it concerns proceedings publications after an otological congress or symposium. A textbook containing all facets of the disorder is still missing.

To fill this gap, this Treatise on otosclerosis and its treatment has been compiled. As many publications as possible, from the discovery of the ear disease in the second half of the 19th century until now, have been used to compile a well-organized textbook. All the latest aspects of otosclerosis such as history, aetiology, genetic factors, histopathology, current stapedotomy procedure and complications in otosclerosis surgery are discussed extensively. In addition, attention was paid to cochlear otosclerosis, age and otosclerosis, imaging, hearing aids and future perspectives of otosclerosis treatment. This treatise on otosclerosis is a complete textbook that deals with all aspects of the ear disorder extensively.