Wisdoms Of The Formerly Wilted: Volume I

Wisdoms Of The Formerly Wilted is a collection of Erika Ward's original photographs and writings compiled over the course of four years. During this period of spiritual expansion and intuitive awakening, she found nature to be an incredible healer and source of comfort. Equipped with just her camera and its affectionate lens, she would take long, therapeutic walks outdoors. It was during these walks that she began to receive the enlightening insights that fill the pages of WOTFW: Volume I and WOTFW: Volume II. 

Whether Erika was personally experiencing a challenge in her own life or witnessing someone else going through their struggle, she would be present in the humanness of the situation but then a calm, soulful knowing would float in. She started to refer to these musings as integrations with her higher self/higher guidance; encouraging reminders of the divinity permeating our everyday circumstances. 

Erika began posting the combined images and writings to her social media accounts as a means of passing on the messages to anyone else who needed to hear them. Her intention in creating the WOTFW books is the same. May they be a beacon of hope and freedom for anyone lost in the heavy, illusory fog of spiritual disconnection. 

This uplifting body of work can be consumed from cover to cover, purposefully perused based on subject matter, or utilized as an oracle for the reader blindly flipping through its pages trusting that a relevant message awaits.