In his late fifties and having one eye on a well-earned retirement Colin Murray, a full-time decorator and Church pastor in North East Scotland received the bombshell news he was suffering from Motor Neurone Disease. From the sheer panic of his first night following his MND diagnosis, Colin confronts the brutal, merciless muscle wasting disease head on with prayer and positivity. Accepting his diagnosis, he continues to fight his prognosis with positivity and prayer.
In Life Matters, Colin reminds us that we should never minimise or over spiritualise anyone’s struggle with pain and that secular groups are more compassionate, empathetic, and Christlike than Christians with questionable doctrine. While many question their faith and recoil with fear in the face of a terminal diagnosis Colin remains a persevering, shining light to many during his declining health and an ever-increasing loss of mobility. This book is testimony that hope is real, Spirit life is real and in: “Gods strength is made perfect in weakness”.
As a Church pastor Colin realises that his life now, is his greatest sermon. It is clear reading this powerful book that Colin is no whitewashed tomb. He is alive in Christ, already a possessor of the “life of the age to come”. Although outwardly wasting away Colin is being inwardly renewed “daily”. This is a must read for anyone battling a serious illness.