The Contribution of Financial Corporations to Aggregate Corporate Income
註釋One of the objectives of the revised Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA12) is to provide data that better enumerate "the role and importance of the financial sector to the economy."1 CSNA12 features a new, fully articulated sector account on financial corporations, which facilitates the statistical analyses of these firms. [...] This is a first measure reallocation of funds from the users of financial and physical of the relative size of the financial sector, based on the margins assets to the owners of these assets; and (3) the income that is associated with financial intermediation and the explicit fees on received and paid out in the form of transfers (primarly taxes) to 3 financial transactions. [...] Financial corporations and the reallocation of Central to these are the interest and dividend incomes that flow property income into and out of financial corporations from other sectors of the economy.5 Unlike net operating surplus, the property income Data on operating surplus capture, on balance, only a small flows are not part of GDP but are included in the primary portion of the net income tha [...] The magnitude of the gross receipts and gross payments Chart 2 of property income that flow through financial corporations Property income received and paid, financial and non- underscores the specialized function that these companies play financial corporations, Canada, 2007 to 2011 in reallocating funds across the economy. [...] The margins that financial that flow to corporations in the form of interest and dividend companies earn from explicit fees and the provision of financial payments are received by financial companies.