365 Days of Praise, Thanksgiving & Assurance of God's Promises: Volume 2

In the year 2020, the coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the entire world. The global pandemic brought things to a standstill. Countries underwent lockdown and fear crippled many for an expected second wave and the hope for vaccines. In this time of uncertainty, where everything seems to go contrary, and wickedness abound on the earth, praise is that which can provoke the hand of God. Most of the things happening in the world today are prophecies, that must be fulfilled as this age ends. Our attitude should be one of praise and thanksgiving, knowing that God is in control, and His hand is at work to fulfill all his purposes concerning the earth. All the promises of God find complete fulfillment in Jesus Christ.


In volume 2, we continue to look through the book of Psalms. We see David, Asaph, and the sons of Korah praising the Lord, even in their desperate moments, falling back on God’s love and His promises. In this period of uncertainties, calamities, pain, fear, despair, we ought to give God thanks and always fall back on His love. He will show up in those situations when we give thanks; for we receive with thanksgiving. Let His love be the anchor for your soul; your confidence in His promises. If you have not experienced this love, I would like you to have a taste of it. It all starts with Jesus. He’s God’s love in action (John 3:16). Accept Him as your Lord and savior, and you are on your way to experiencing greater things.


Each page is organized into 7 sections:

1. Date: Which comes with the month & day (e.g., April 1), week (from 14 to 26), and day (from 91 to 181). This captures what disparate groups might prefer to go with and serves as a reminder to the reader the week or day of the entire year.

2. Scripture: The verse(s) for the day is shared here with the days’ keyword in bold letter.

3. Today’s Keyword: We look into the keyword; its Hebrew (for an old testament scripture) according to Strong’s concordance.

4. Prayer & Confession: This is the column to pray through the passage and make some declarations.

5. Food for Thought: Some thoughts on the passage are shared; something to think about throughout the day; questions and exercises to do.

6. Bible Reading Plan: An optional plan to read through the bible in a year. This book adopts the historical plan (i.e., reading the books as they were historically written, according to their estimated writing date). You can do so by reading or listening. Determine to become a student of the word.


God bless you as you make time to study. May the door of grace, revelation, and understanding be opened unto you.


In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you… 1 Thessalonians 5:18