Extravagant Reset
The manner in which “I AM” is about to reposition the world system
主題Religion / Christian Living / General
註釋As we keep hearing the WEF talking about the 2030 Great Reset and its slogan “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better“, and we wonder; how is that reasonable or even feasible? Whether or not we believe this to be true or to be a conspiracy theory; I have good news for the reader; a reset is indeed coming, an Extravagant Reset! In this book you will learn about the plans of “I AM” for humanity, you will learn about fulfilled prophecies, prophecies yet to be accomplished as well as the current state of global affairs. In reality, this publication is a continuation of “The Grand Finale” which unveils the nations spoken of by Prophet Daniel and Revelator John. In this complementary edition you will find additional details and hidden treasures regarding the prophetic horizon and their link to current events, scenarios and circumstances. Ultimately, this book describes the indisputable coming Reset, which every human on the face of the earth should be aware of, in order to make the necessary collective and personal arrangements. Because the truth of the matter is that an “Extravagant Reset” is just ahead of us, and time is running out.