Bryony's Awakening
註釋Bryony had had a tough early life - losing both parents by the time she was eighteen. Although clever at school, the loss of her father caused her to drift into the seedy world of cheap bars and unsuitable men and it was only when a friend persuaded her to turn her life around that, at the age of twenty-five, she enrolled at college to study law in New York. To support herself through college, she worked as a waitress in a top restaurant and it was there that she met Alex, a 38-year-old self-made multi- millionaire businessmen who found her both fascinating and enticing, and was particularly enamored of her shapely bottom, which he longed to spank. He had never been in love with a woman and had no wish to marry - but meeting Bryony made him begin to question all that. Sparks of passion fly between them and Bryony discovers pleasure that she didn't know existed, but can Alex persuade her to accept his chosen lifestyle, or will his lust for discipline prove an insurmountable barrier between them?